Sunday, November 24, 2013

Who Says - Selena Gomez

I wouldn't want to be anybody else ( Eh! )

You made me insecure
Told me I wasn't good enough
But who are you to judge
When you're a diamond in the rough

I'm sure you got some things
You'd like to change about your self
But when it comes to me
I wouldn't want to be anybody else

Nanana Nanana Nanana Nanana Nanana
Nanana Nanana Nanana Nanana

I'm no beauty queen
I'm just beautiful me

Nanana Nanana Nanana Nanana Nanana
Nanana Nanana Nanana Nanana

You've got every right
To a beautiful life ( come on! )

Who says
Who says you're not perfect
Who says you're not worth it
Who says you're the only one that's hurting

Trust me
That's the price of beauty
Who says you're not pretty
Who says you're not beautiful, who says?

It's such a funny thing
How nothing's funny when it's you
You tell 'em what you mean
But they keep whiting out the truth

It's like a work of art
That never gets to see the light
Keep you beneath the stars
Won't let you touch the sky

Nanana Nanana Nanana Nanana Nanana
Nanana Nanana Nanana Nanana

I'm no beauty queen
I'm just beautiful me

Nanana Nanana Nanana Nanana Nanana
Nanana Nanana Nanana Nanana

You've got every right
To a beautiful life ( come on! )

*) Who says
    Who says you're not perfect
    Who says you're not worth it
    Who says you're the only one that's hurting

#) Trust me
    That's the price of beauty
    Who says you're not pretty
    Who says you're not beautiful, who says?

Who says you're not start potential
Who says you're not presidential
Who says you can't be in movies
Listen to me, listen to me

Who says you don't pass the test
Who says you can't be the best
Who said, who said
Won't you tell me who said that ( yeah, who says? )

Back to *) #) (2x)

Wish You Were Here - Avril Lavigne

I can be tough, I can be strong
But with you, it's not like that at all
There's a girl that gives a shit
Behind this wall you just walked through it

And I remember all those crazy things you said
You left them running through my head
You're always there, you're everywhere
But right now I wish you were here
All those crazy things we did
Didn't think about it, just went with it
You're always there, you're everywhere
But right now I wish you were here

Damn, Damn, Damn
What I'd do to have you
Here, Here, Here
I wish you were here
Damn, Damn, Damn
What I'd do to have you
Near, Near, Near
I wish you were here

I love, the way you are
It's who I am, don't have to try hard
We always say, say it like it is
And the truth, is that I really mi-i-iss

And I remember all those crazy things you said
You left them running through my head
You're always there, you're everywhere
But right now I wish you were here
All those crazy things we did
Didn't think about it, just went with it
You're always there, you're everywhere
But right now I wish you were here

Damn, Damn, Damn
What I'd do to have you
Here, Here, Here
I wish you were here
Damn, Damn, Damn
What I'd do to have you
Near, Near, Near
I wish you were here

No, I don't wanna let you go
I just wanna let you know
That I never wanna let go
( let go, oh, oh )
No, I don't wanna let go
I just wanna let you know
That I never wanna let go
( let go let go let go let go let go let go let go )

Damn, Damn, Damn
What I'd do to have you
Here, Here, Here
I wish you were here
Damn, Damn, Damn
What I'd do to have you
Near, Near, Near
I wish you were


Halohaaa! Hahaha mungkin kalian bosan dengan judul post yang 'itu lagi itu lagi', tapi yaa memang begitulah kenyataannya :| Jadi, setelah kemarin-kemarin aku cerita tentang Mabit, sekarang aku juga bakal cerita tentang Mabit, tapiii.. Ini tuh Mabit spesial dari guru, jadi kan kalau Mabit yang kemarin ada jurit malam, games, dll, tapi kalau Mabit yang ini beda. Mabit yang ini itu spesial bener-bener buat menguatkan iman kita. Malah, paginya kan kita tetep belajar ( mabitnya itu sore ), nah kita itu wajib untuk puasa sunnah. Dan ada kejadian yang amat sangat menyesakkan dada *ceilah-_- buat aku. Hahahaha penasaran? Yuk langsung scroll down sajaa~~

Jadi..... Oke aku lupa itu tanggal berapa-_- tapi yang pasti itu di mulai dari Senin sore terus Selasa siangnya kita pulang. Nah paginya itu, kita tetep belajar, dan harus bawa perlengkapannya dari pagi. Jadi? Yaa aku harus rempong-rempong udah bawa buku pelajaran yang berat, baju, alat mandi, alas tidur, dll, dan aku juga puasa:) Semoga pahala berlipat ganda ya, wkwkwk aamiin.. Oh ya, tapi ada juga temenku yang nanti balik lagi ke rumah buat ambil barang-barangnya, tapi aku sih enggak, males, mendingan bawa dari pagi aja, wkwkwk.. Nah kita tuh belajar kayak biasa, sampe ashar, dan ternyata.................... Pas aku mau wudhu buat sholat ashar, aku tuh kan kalau sebelum wudhu suka kebiasaan mau buang air kecil dulu, eh gak taunya dengan kaget-bete-seneng ternyata aku harus menerima kenyataan bahwa, aku malah dapet-_-" Ohh ayolah! Kalian udah puasa dari pagi, eh 2/3 jam sebelum buka malah batal? Itu amat sangat menyedihkan ya:( Itu yang membuatku bete, kalau kaget ya gitu kaget pokoknya.-. nah seneng? Hahaha kalian jangan pikir aku seneng karena jadinya gak sholat dll, tapi aku seneng karena setelah "haid" pertamaku pas hari kedua bulan Ramadhan, akhirnya aku dapet lagi, jadi udah sekitar berapa bulan tuh aku gak dapet:/ berarti itu masih menandakan bahwa aku normal lah ya, wkwkwk.. Oke lanjut ya, nah karena insiden aku dapet itu *yaelahinsiden-_- jadinya aku pulang lagi deh, buat ambil yaa you know lah, dan buat mandi karena kalau mandi di sekolah dengan keadaan seperti ini itu enggak enak:| Jadinya aku pulang deh, dengan minta tolong Mas No buat anterin ke rumah wkwk.. Nyampe rumah, aku langsung buru-buru mandi, dan siapin semua perlengkapannya. Dan itu aku bener-bener buru-buru ya, sampe kakiku jadi pegel sendiri-_- nah terus langsung deh aku jalan ke depan ke pangkalan ojek buat nyari ojek dan ke sekolah lagi *ngejarwaktunih untung aja pas nyampe sekolah belum telat-telat banget..

Nah, ternyata kamar aku itu di kelas 10, kelasnya kecil sih._. cuma syukuri aja lah ya^^ Aku tuh sekamar sama Rahma, Nifa, Diva, Debby, Indah, Nada, Sherina, Kak Hana, dan Kak Agnes. Aku tidur di antara Indah sama Nada/Rahma gitu._. Nah setelah ya ngobrol-ngobrol, kita disuruh ke Mesjid. Di mesjid kita dzikir sore, tapi kita-anak cewek kelas 8 ya gitu, selalu tertawa dengan adanya Diva dan Rahma. Jadi bisa kupastikan selama Mabit perutku bakal sakit banget gara-gara sering ketawa=)) Tapi kita masih anak baik kok:3 jadi kita juga dzikir lah, walaupun mungkin agak terganggu dengan Diva yang selalu buat kita ketawa, wkwk.. Habis itu kita ngapain ya? Duh lupa:/ Oke kalau begitu *skipskip* Buka puasa! Lalalayeyeye~ Hahaha tapi sayangnya aku udah batal:( yasudahlah gapapa~ Habis itu kita sholat maghrib, terus ngapain ya-_- *duhkebanyakanlupa makan kayaknya deh, baru sholat isya, atau kalo enggak sebaliknya ya._. *seriusaninilupa habis itu kita ngumpul lagi di mesjid, ada materi gitulah. terus pembagian baca perjuz, tapi yang lagi gak sholat gak baca, wkwk.. Pada ngincernya itu juz 30-_- ckckck.. Terus ada motivasi gitu deh, jadi kita nanti tulis apa aja yang mau kita lakuin di masa depan, ya pokoknya begitu~ Terus kita muhasabah *ambiltisu baru deh tiduurr~ Pas di kamar ya kita ngobrol-ngobrol dulu lah, makan, terus ya gitu deh.. Tapi akhirnya aku tidur duluan soalnya udah ngantuk banget-_- nah pas jam berapa itu aku kebangun, tapi masih ada yang ngobrol, nah terus kata Debby aku tidurnya gitu banget, kakiku kena Indah.-. Yaa aku kalo tidur emang gitu sih, wkwkwk..

Nah terus kita di bangunin deh! Kita mau sholat tahajud. Rahma sama Sherina mah masih asik tidur, tapi aku sama Debby tetep ke atas walaupun lagi halangan. Habis sholat kita ke kamar lagi atau sholat subuh dulu ya duh lupaaaa--" Nah habis itu ada sholat apa tuh ya namanya, sholat fajar gitu deh.-. Tapi aku sih tidur lagi, ya ampun ngantuk mbaaa-_- terus kita senam, yang senam cuma dikit karena senamnya itu ya begitu deh.-. Tapi aku sih tetep senam aja, habis itu kita mandi dan sarapan. Terus pulaanggg \m/ aku di jemput sama ayah, Raihan, De Khansa.

Yaa itu dia kisah Mabitku yang banyak banget skipnya yak-_- tapi beneran deh aku lupa wkwk... Oke sampai sini dulu ya! Papaaayyyy! =D

Ours - Taylor Swift

Elevator buttons and morning air
Strangers silence makes me wanna take the stairs
If you were here we'd laugh about their vacant stares
But right now my time is theirs

Seems like there's always someone who disapproves
They'll judge it like they know about me and you
And the verdict comes from those with nothing else to do
The jury's out, but my choice is you

So don't you worry your pretty little mind
People throw rocks at things that shine
And life makes love look hard
The stakes are high, the water's rough
But this love is ours

You never know what people have up their sleeves
Ghosts from your past gonna jump out an me
Lurking in the shadows with their lip gloss smile
But I don't care 'cause right now you're mine

And you'll say
Don't you worry your pretty little mind
People throw rocks at thing that shine
And life makes love look hard
The stakes are high, the water's rough
But this love is ours

And it's not theirs to speculate
If it's wrong and
Your hands are though
But they are where mine belong and
I'll fight their doubt and give you faith
With this song for you

'Cause I love the gap between your teeth
And I love the riddles that you speak
And any snide remarks from my father about your tattoos will be ignored
'Cause my heart is yours

So don't you worry your pretty little mind
People throw rocks at things that shine
And life makes love look hard
Don't you worry your pretty little mind
People throw rocks at things that shine
But they can't take what's ours
They can't take what's ours
The stakes are high, the water's rough
But this love is ours

Sunday, November 10, 2013

When You're Gone - Avril Lavigne

I always needed time on my own
I never thought I'd need you there when I cry
And the days feel like years when I'm alone
And the bed where you lie
Is made up on your side

When you walk away I count the steps that you take
Do you see how much I need you right now?

When you're gone
The pieces of my heart are missing you
When you're gone
The face I came to know is missing too
When you're gone
The words I need to hear yo always get me through the day
And make it OK
I miss you

I've never felt this way before
Everything that I do reminds me of you
And the clothes you left, they lie on the floor
And they smell just like you
I love the things that you do

When you walk away I count the steps that you take
Do you see how much I need you right now?

When you're gone
The pieces of my heart are missing you
When you're gone
The face I came to know is missing too
When you're gone
The words I need to hear to always get me through the day
And make it OK
I miss you

We were made for each other
Out here forever
I know we were, yeah, yeah
All I ever wanted was for you to know
Everything I do, I give my heart and soul
I can hardly breathe, I need to feel you here with me, yeah

When you're gone
The pieces of my heart are missing you
When you're gone
The face I came to know is missing too
When you're gone
The words I need to hear to always get me through the day
And make it OK
I miss you


10 November! SELAMAT HARI PAHLAWAN! Semoga kita 'para pelajar' bisa meneruskan perjuangan pahlawan kita dengan belajar yang bener ya;) hehehe.. Yap, di posting yang satu ini aku gak akan bahas tentang pahlawan kok._. Takutnya nanti kalian baca postingan aku eh tiba-tiba tidur deh wkwkwk._.v Seperti judul di atas, kali ini kita akan bahas tentang  T E M A N ! Apa sih arti teman bagi kalian? Kalau buat aku sih teman itu segala galanya, my everything! *yasiikk* Jadi entah kenapa, aku gak akan bisa berlama-lama kesel sama temen, karena pada akhirnya sama mereka juga aku bakal di buat ketawa sampe sakit perut xD Mereka itu pembawa mood baik buat aku, ya begitu deh pokoknya{} Makanya beruntunglah kalian para teman-temanku hahahaha xD *disorakin*

Jadi, beberapa waktu yang lalu, kan kalau di sekolah aku itu ada jadwal pagi-pagi itu upacara, kumpul sama wali kelas, kumpul di rest area, atau dzikir pagi. Nah waktu itu, pas kumpul di rest area, Bu Sudji ngasih kayak "kultwit" tentang teman. Bagus deh, makanya pas pulang aku minta Bu Sudji deh linknya biar bisa aku share disini ;) hehehe..

1. Siapa temanmu.......... itulah kamu!

2. Temanmu adalah yang jujur padamu, bukan yang selalu membenarkan apa saja tindakanmu

3. Teman sejati, bukan teman yang tidak pernah berpisah, tapi teman yang apabila bertemu karena Allah, dan jika berpisah, berpisah karena Allah...

4. Di antara bukti kesetiaanmu terhadap temanmu, jika namanya kau hadirkan dalam do'amu tanpa dia ketahui, agar harapan-harapannya terpenuhi

5. Mengetahui dan memahami tabiat teman, adalah setengah dari modal pertemanan yang baik...

6. Pada teman yang lebih muda, katakan 'Aku telah mendahuluinya dalam dosa'. Pada yang lebih tua katakan ' Dia telah mendahuluiku dalam taat dan kebaikan'

7. Cari teman yang dapat menerimamu "apa adanya", bukan yang selalu mencarimu "ada apanya"

8. Teman yang baik, bukan hanya sekedar tau dimana rumahmu, tapi dia tau dimana hatimu?

9. Teman yang baik, bukan orang yang dimuliakan temannya, tapi orang yang temannya merasa dimuliakan olehnya..

10. Kekayaan dan kedudukan dapat menundukkan teman, tapi hanya perbuatan baik yang dapat menundukkan hatinya..

11. Mengalah dalam berteman belum tentu kalah. Bisa jadi hal itu menjadi sebab dia dapat "mengalahkannya"

12. Adakalanya dalam berteman kita harus mengalah sepanjang tidak menjatuhkan harga diri dan menggadai prinsip 

13. Husnuzzan dalam berteman itu penting, tapi berhati-hati juga perlu..

14. Saat pertemanan belum begitu intens, hindari memberikan kesimpulan akhir baik atau buruknya temanmu..

15. Saat engkau merasa tidak ada beban untuk mencurahkan perasaanmu pada temanmu, dialah teman dekatmu..

16. Saat kau gembira dengan kegembiraan temanmu dan sedih dengan kesedihan temanmu, kau telah menjadi teman sejatinya..

17. Tundalah marahmu pada temanmu beberapa saat. Boleh jadi kau temukan hakekat yang tidak kau ketahui sebelumnya, atau marahmu sudah reda..

18. Jika sekian kali temanmu marah kepadamu namun tidak mengeluarkan kata-kata kasar, dia layak menjadi teman baikmu

19. Berhati-hatilah dalam memilih teman, lebih hati-hati lagi jika ingin menggantinya..

20. Mendamaikan dua teman yang bertikai lebih baik dibanding memihak salah satunya..

21. Jangan bantu temanmu yang bermusuhan dengan temannya. Bisa jadi mereka berdamai sedangkan engkau masih bermusuhan..

22. Jangan terlalu sering bertemu teman, jangan pula terlalu jarang..

23. Tegurlah temanmu  kala sepi dan pujilah dia kala ramai

24. Jika engkau hanya ingin berteman dengan orang yang tidak ada kekurangannya, sama saja engkau tidak ingin berteman dengan dirimu sendiri..

25. Jika engkau hanya ingin berteman dengan orang yang tidak ada kekurangannya, sama saja engkau tidak ingin berteman..

26. Keinginan menjadi teman yang baik, harus melebihi keinginan mendapatkan teman yang baik..

27. Kekayaan dapat mendatangkan banyak teman, tapi jika musibah menimpa, akan menjadi ujian bagi mereka

28. Jika matamu mendapatkan kekurangan pada temanmu, jangan serta merta lisanmu mengungkapkannya..

29. Kalau temanmu lebih pintar. belajarlah darinya, kalau lebih bodoh, ajarilah, kalau sepadan, berdiskusilah..

30. Temanmu adalah cerminanmu. Kalau dia baik, maka sesuaikan dirimu seperti dia, kalau buruk, maka perbaikilah cerminannya

31. Kalau temanmu membicarakan keburukan temanmu yang lain, hati-hati, keburukanmu bisa jadi akan dia bicarakan kepada temanmu yang lain...

32. Teman baik temanmu, layak menjadi temanmu, tapi musuh temanmu, tidak harus menjadi musuhmu

33. Cepat atau lambat, kita kan berpisah dengan teman-teman kita. Hanya iman dan takwa kepada Allah yang dapat memastikan pertemuan di surga-Nya. Aamiin..

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Happy Birthday Raihaann \m/

Haayyyyy! Lama tak berjumpa ya? Hahahaha.. Jadi, sebenernya itu, tanggal 28 Oktober kemarin adekku, si Raihan, yang nama lengkapnya Raihan Aulia Rahman, yang suka aku panggil kersen, ejen, dll xD itu ulang tahun yang ke 11 :D Hahahaha ciee Raihan makin tua wooo :p Dia ulang tahun juga bertepatan dengan HARI SUMPAH PEMUDA. Hebat gak? Enggak ah biasa aja~ *nantikalodibilanghebatraihanngefly*

Oke ini posting sebenernya enggak jelas banget ya-_- hahaha oh ya ada yang kelupaan nih, wish dari kaka tercinta buat adeknya *asiikk

to : yang makin tua :p

Semoga panjang umur dan sehat selalu, makin ganteng-_-, makin pinter, jangan main ipad mulu (pasti ujung2nya aku yg kena-_-), nilai ujiannya meningkat terus, sukses kelas 5nya, jadi kakak yang baik buat De Khansa, jagain kaka Hasnanya ;);), pokoknya wish you all the best aja deh ya dek :D hehehe.. Jangan nyebelin--" jangan suka tonjok-mukul-nendang-cubit *apalagiyangkurang-_- kakaknya lagi! Maap ya gak bisa kasih kado, malleessssss~ *kabuurrr*

Oke gak usah ngedumel sendiri di dalam hati, kenapa postingan yang satu ini enggak-jelas-banget-_- Udah selesai kok hahaha.. Byebyeee!

Enchanted - Taylor Swift

There I was again to night
Forcing laughter faking smiles
Same old tired lonely place

Walls of insincerity
Shifting eyes and vacancy
Vanished when I saw your face
All I can say is it was enchanting to meet you

Your eyes whispered, "have we met?"
Across the room your silhouette
Starts to make its way to me
The playful conversation starts
Counter all your quick remarks
Like passing notes in secrecy

And it was enchanting to meet you
All I can say is I was enchanted to meet you

This night is sparkling, don't you let it go
I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home
I'll spend forever wondering if you knew
I was enchanted to meet you

The lingering question kept me up
2 AM, who do you love?
I wonder 'til I'm wide awake
And now I'm pacing back and forth
Wishing you were at my door
I'd open up and you would say, hey
It was enchanting to meet you
All I know is I was enchanted to meet you

This night is sparkling, don't you let it go
I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home
I'll spend forever wondering if you knew
This night is flawless, don't you let it go
I'm wonderstruck, dancing around all alone
I'll spend forever wondering if you knew
I was enchanted to meet you

This is me praying that
This was the very first page
Not where the story line ends
My thoughts will echo your name
Until I see you again
These are the words I held back
As I was leaving too soon
I was enchanted to meet you

Please don't be in love with someone else
Please don't have somebody waiting on you
Please don't be in love with someone else
Please don't have somebody waiting on you

This night is sparkling, don't you let it go
I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home
I'll spend forever wondering if you knew
This night is flawless, don't you let it go
I'm wonderstruck, dancing around all alone
I'll spend forever wondering if you knew
I was enchanted to meet you

Please don't be in love with someone else
Please don't have somebody waiting on you

Speak Now - Taylor Swift

I am not the kind of girl
Who should be rudely barging in on a white veil occasion
But you are not the kind of boy
Who should be marrying the wrong girl

I sneak in and see your friends
And her snotty little family all dressed in pastel
And she is yelling at a bridesmaid
Somewhere back inside a room
Wearing a gown shaped like a pastry

This is surely not what you thought it would be
I lose my self in a daydream
Where I stand and say

Don't say yes, run away now
I'll meet you when you're out of the church at the back door
Don't wait or say a single vow
You need to hear me out
And they said speak now

Fond gestures are exchanged
And the organ starts to play
A song that sounds like a death march
And I am hiding in the curtains
It seems that I was uninvited by your lovely bride to-be

She floats down the aisle like a pageant queen
But I know you wish it was me, you wish it was me, don't you?

Don't say yes, run away now
I'll meet you when you're out of the church at the back door
Don't wait or say a single vow
You need to hear me out
And they said speak now
Don't say yes, run away now
I'll meet you when you're out of the church at the back door
Don't wait or say a single vow
Your time is running out
And they said speak now

Oh, la, la
Oh, oh
Say a single vow

I hear the preacher say, "speak now or forever hold your peace"
There's the silence, there's my last chance
I stand up with shaky hands, all eyes on me
Horrified looks from everyone in the room
But I'm only looking at you

I am not the kind of girl
Who should be rudely barging in on a white veil occasion
But you are not the kind of boy
Who should be marrying the wrong girl

So don't say yes, run away now
I'll meet you when you're out of the church at the back door
Don't wait or say a single vow
You need to hear me out
And they said speak now
And you'll say, let's run away now
I'll meet you when I'm out of my tux at the back door
Baby, I didn't say my vows
So glad you were around
When they said speak now

Haunted - Taylor Swift

You and I walk a fragile line
I have known it all this time
But I never thought I'd live to see it break
It's getting dark and it's all too quiet
And I can't trust anything now
And it's coming over you live it's all a big mistake

Oh, I'm holding my breath
Won't lose you again
Something's made your eyes go cold

Come on, come on, don't leave me like this
I thought I had you figured out
Something's gone terribly wrong
You're all I wanted
Come on, come on, don't leave like this
I thought I had you figured out
Can breathe whenever you're gone
Can't turn back now, I'm haunted!

Stood there and watched you walk away
From everything we had
But I still mean every word I said to you
He would try to take away my pain
And he just might make me smile
But the whole time I wishing he was you instead

Oh, I'm holding my breath
Won't see you again
Something keeps me holding on to nothing

Come on, come on, don't leave me like this
I thought I had you figured out
Something's gone terribly wrong
You're all I wanted
Come on, come on, don't leave me like this
I thought I had you figured out
Can breathe whenever you're gone
Can't turn back now, I'm haunted!

I know, I know, I just know
You're not gone
You can't be gone, no

Come on, come on, don't leave me like this
I thought I had you figured out
Something's gone terribly wrong
Won't finish what you started
Come on, come on, don't leave me like this
I thought I had you figured out
Can breathe whenever you're gone
Can't go back, I'm haunted!


You and I walk a fragile line
I have known it all this time
Never ever thought I'd see it break
Never thought I'd see it....